Tonight I had the privilege of inducting 37 new members into a new chapter of the National Junior Honor Society at the middle school I work at as a counselor. I am now the official sponsor/adviser of the chapter society at the school. What was really exciting is that this is the first chapter to ever be established at this middle school. History was made tonight...including special memories that I will take with me.
The charter members of our first National Junior Honor Society...this will be framed and hung in our school entrance

The ceremony started out chaotic. Pulling together the organization of this ceremony was a bit overwhelming. May is a busy month for me at work and there is a lot going on. I had to make a lot of last minute decisions in the last couple of days. I wrestled with what songs to walk into and exit...how we would light the candles...the design of the programs...I almost felt like I was planning a wedding;)
Thankfully, the ceremony went really well, with the exceptions of a few minor glitches...like me leaving the pins on my desk in my office and not having time to go get them at the time I realized so because I was in heels and up next to speak;) (Pause. Breathe.) I also was lacking in adult volunteers who for understandable reasons had to bail last minute in helping me out. Therefore I got to play the simultaneous roles of: emcee, speaker, award announcer, cuing students when to enter and exit, photographer, refreshment server, and sound system controller. It was quite funny as I ran from the podium to the sound system to play a song and then back to the podium.
In the end....we pulled it off. I did step back and smile....quite proud that I was able to multi-task. But, most of all, I was so proud of the students. Often as a counselor, I find myself working with students who are having a crisis, academic or behavior problem. Tonight I got to work with students who shine not just in their academic abilities but in their service, leadership, character, and citizenship as well. In the end, the chaos that I walked into turned into a night that in the end made sense and came together. I got a chance to champion the potential of young people! What a privilege in the midst of all the chaos!
8th grade students...proud of their achievement tonight...

And, I deserve to smile :)
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