One of my friends that I went to college with (up at Illinois State) and her husband are in town for a few days. Today we toured STL. We started off at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery and then went over to Forest Park for lunch at the Boathouse. I then discovered my back brakes on my car were in desperate need of changing (this became evident when the screeching kicked in), so the next couple of hours were spent at Dobbs;) At least I was in the company of good friends and reminiscing on the good old days back in college and the perks or aging;)
I'm thankful for the friendships I've developed and cultivated over the years!


Anheuser-Busch Brewery-St Louis

Ann-Me-Laura...sampling beer on the end of the tour

Rocking at the Boathouse in Forest Park

lunch at the Boathouse in Forest Park

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